Blog posts

Sportsbabe lädt euch zur FIBO 2024 ein: Ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!
FIBO 2024 with Sportsbabe promises to be an event of superlatives, packed with inspiration, innovation and interaction. Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or have been well on your way, these four days will motivate you to achieve your goals and set new ones. We look forward to seeing you there and experiencing unforgettable moments together. Pack your sports bag – Sportsbabe is waiting for you!
Mahlzeiten für Frauen beim Intervallfasten
Intermittent fasting has proven to be an effective method to promote health and increase well-being. Here we present a guide to meals during intermittent fasting.
Intervallfasten für Frauen: So geht das!
In a world where the importance of health and well-being continues to grow, intermittent fasting is gaining popularity as an effective method of promoting health. In this blog post we would like to present a comprehensive guide to intermittent fasting for women.